Chiropractic Care
At Ferrum Chiropractic, we focus on offering specific chiropractic adjustments to realign the spine allowing the individual to thrive and live a happy and healthy life. We offer a variety of treatment methods, tailored to what suits your needs.
We will explain every method of treatment to you before we perform them to make sure you feel comfortable with your treatment. Chiropractic treatment is gentle and specific and will have you feeling great!

Symptoms Chiropractic Care May Help With
Back Pain
Back pain usually affects everyone at some point in their life whether it be on a large or small scale. No matter the level of pain your back is causing you, it would be better to live without pain.
Headaches and Migraines
Headaches and migraines often originate from structural imbalances, and chiropractic treatment can treat the hindering problem.
Shoulder Pain
Compression or injury to your upper back and neck vertebrae will cause damage and irritation to the nerves that lead to your shoulder. Shoulder pain is often the result of a hidden spinal injury.
Compression of your sciatic nerve, the body's longest nerve, is the cause of sciatic pain. When pinched by the compression of vertebrae in your lower back, the roots of the nerve are inflamed which causes the pain.
Neck Pain
Most neck pain arises from, or has an impact on, the alignment of the spine. Muscles often spasm during times of neck pain which pulls on the spine causing pain and further misalignment.
Carpal Tunnel
The compression of the median nerve in your wrist can lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This rather common and painful nerve condition commonly results in expensive surgery and medication. But there is another option!
Pregnancy and Chiropractic
A significant amount of stress is put on the lower back and pelvis during pregnancy. Women often state that the physical birthing process was easier after receiving chiropractic treatment to aid their back pain.
Wellness Care
Chiropractic care focuses on keeping the nervous system intact and running at its best. It is a great choice to add to a wellness plan. Implementing adjustments will make sure that your lifestyle will not be impacted over time.